Casey Anthony
It’s the worst nightmare of every parent: a precious baby goes missing. Well, you would think it would be the worst thing that could happen to a parent.
How do you explain, then, mom Casey Anthony, and why she waited a month in the summer of 2008 to report to authorities that her daughter Caylee, just a toddler at the time, went missing, and even then it was Casey’s mother who alerted police?
Following the discovery of Caylee’s dead body just blocks from the family’s home, Casey was charged with murder shortly thereafter. Jury selection in her trial gets underway today and she is potentially facing the death penalty.
Jury selection will commence in Clearwater, Fla., not Anthony’s hometown of Orlando. A concern was raised that an unbiased jury so close to where the alleged crime was committed could not be found.
“I can’t find my granddaughter. There’s something wrong. I found my daughter’s car today and it smelled like there’s been a dead body in the damn car,” said Casey Anthony’s mom, Cindy, told police when she reported Caylee missing by calling 911.
Casey lied to authorities while they searched for Caylee, telling them she had investigated the disappearance of her daughter herself and she had apparently gone with a babysitter who could not be found. But instead of looking for her daughter, photos surfaced of her partying shortly after her daughter went missing. It has also been reported by ABC News that Casey showed little emotion in jailhouse conversations with family and friends.
The trial is set to begin May 16, and if she’s found guilty, Casey would face the penalty phase of legal journey immediately after.
Casey’s lawyers plan to argue she was not read her rights properly and that statements she made about the babysitter should be inadmissible.
Here’s hoping that justice is served in Caylee’s memory.
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