Tonight on Dancing With the Stars, it was the moment we've been waiting for, but the stars have been dreading. It's the perennial moment where every person who decides to go on a reality show realizes that this may be a sheer mistake because their worst fear may come true on national television: they're going to deal with the embarrassment of being the first one out.
But alas, someone has to take the hit, and this year it's before the stars get two chances to dance. Right out of the gate, one pair is going home. The dance floor is ruthless and, I'm not going to lie, I kind of like it.
After a quick recap of the dances, we're reminded with that fancy leaderboard that only eight points separate first and last place. Long story short, it's really up to the voters and who they liked, so everyone better hold on and hope that they got the votes they needed to stay.
Per usual, there were several performances, including one with all the dancers, and one with LMFAO performing. I must say "Party Rock Anthem" has carried on through the summer and it continues to be one of my jams.
But that's beside the point--we're down to Rob and Cheryl, Nancy and Tristan, and Metta (yes, Metta World Peace is his name now, even if the British guy didn't say it) and Peta. It should come as no surprise to anyone that it ended up being last place finisher Metta and first-time pro Peta headed home.
As sad I was to see them go home (and even sadder to see that he had to endure going home with the Dennis Rodman hair), of the three, I wanted him to go home the least. Hey, at least he thanked Peta on his way out.
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