As Facebook made changes to its Web site leading up to what could be a major redesign announcement, Google’s social network competitor Google+ became public to all.

A cartoon by Salvadorian student Luchoedo shows Google calling Facebook a “chismoso,” or “gossip,” and Facebook calling Google a “sabe lotodo,” or “show off.” The fight between their social networks for dominance just got a little bit bigger. (Image via Flickr user Luchoedo )
Facebook’s revamped news feeds that highlighted more “important” stories got — like many of Facebook’s prior revamps — a cold reception from users. Some readers even suggested ways to revert back to the old Facebook design, such as setting the account language to English (U.K.).
Meanwhile Google+, which rolled out tons of new and improved features when it went public Tuesday, got a rousing vote of approval for the first time. “If you hate Facebook's new update, try out Google+!,” technology blogger Ashley Esqueda wrote on Twitter Wednesday.
Social network users brought out all sorts of comparisons Wednesday to make sense of the new changes on Facebook and Google+.
Blake Hounshell, managing editor of Foreign Policy magazine, compared the new Facebook to the Windows operating system, because in its new design Facebook is “always asking you to update stuff, verify stuff... behaves in strange ways. Super annoying,” he wrote on Twitter. Sixty people retweeted Hounshell’s comment.
About the new Google+, Swedish technology entrepreneur Anton Perlkvist, wrote that it was no longer “like a house party without alcohol [where] everyone is just standing around waiting,” a comparison he had made just 32 days ago.
“Update: it's improving. A lot. Things are happening. NOW,” Perlkvist wrote on Google+ Wednesday.
Could this be a turning point in the battle for dominance between Facebook and Google?
Facebook, at 750 million users, is the world's No.1 social networking service. Google won’t say how many people have signed up for Google+, but analysts estimated upward of 25 million users. That was before it went totally public today.
Google+ hasn’t lost all its critics, including College Humor, who roasted the social network Wednesday by releasing a video that called it “the antisocial network.”
But PC World points out that Google+ has got the advantage over Facebook in one category — it encourages people to have more followers.
Be prepared, Perlkvist says, continuing the metaphor, for Google+ to become a “worldwide ... interesting party.”
A cartoon by Salvadorian student Luchoedo shows Google calling Facebook a “chismoso,” or “gossip,” and Facebook calling Google a “sabe lotodo,” or “show off.” The fight between their social networks for dominance just got a little bit bigger. (Image via Flickr user Luchoedo )
Meanwhile Google+, which rolled out tons of new and improved features when it went public Tuesday, got a rousing vote of approval for the first time. “If you hate Facebook's new update, try out Google+!,” technology blogger Ashley Esqueda wrote on Twitter Wednesday.
Social network users brought out all sorts of comparisons Wednesday to make sense of the new changes on Facebook and Google+.
Blake Hounshell, managing editor of Foreign Policy magazine, compared the new Facebook to the Windows operating system, because in its new design Facebook is “always asking you to update stuff, verify stuff... behaves in strange ways. Super annoying,” he wrote on Twitter. Sixty people retweeted Hounshell’s comment.
About the new Google+, Swedish technology entrepreneur Anton Perlkvist, wrote that it was no longer “like a house party without alcohol [where] everyone is just standing around waiting,” a comparison he had made just 32 days ago.
“Update: it's improving. A lot. Things are happening. NOW,” Perlkvist wrote on Google+ Wednesday.
Could this be a turning point in the battle for dominance between Facebook and Google?
Facebook, at 750 million users, is the world's No.1 social networking service. Google won’t say how many people have signed up for Google+, but analysts estimated upward of 25 million users. That was before it went totally public today.
Google+ hasn’t lost all its critics, including College Humor, who roasted the social network Wednesday by releasing a video that called it “the antisocial network.”
But PC World points out that Google+ has got the advantage over Facebook in one category — it encourages people to have more followers.
Be prepared, Perlkvist says, continuing the metaphor, for Google+ to become a “worldwide ... interesting party.”
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