15 September 2011

Michaele Salahi abducted? No, just on a Journey

Tareq Salahi and his wife Michaele Salahi, TV star
who had disgraced the White House known ports killjoy
made headlines on Wednesday when he presented his wife
removed, and the subsequent application in contact with the law
which was very good and I do not know where he was.

A spokesman for the Day of the rock band, and said Michaele
Guitarist Neal Schon group were gathered in Memphis for a
concert. "No one kidnapped," she said.

The FBI and police investigation.

The Mixup, if that's what it was, began Tuesday night, when the
Tareq Salahi, contact your local authorities saying it was Michaele
missing and their house had no assets.
He believes he was abducted, according to the press.

However, in a press conference outside the residence at Salahi
Wednesday afternoon, officials of Warren County Sheriff,
Michaele Salahi said Virginia Department said that the left
with a good friend, was where I wanted and not
her husband, Kris Van Cleave does a journalist
for the local TV channel ABC, who spoke to Reuters.

Sheriff's officials said they were working with the FBI
Michael returns to "ensure their well-being"
and officials in contact with family and friends.

A spokesman based in Los Angeles and Schon of Journey
seemed to be the end of the story Wednesday night, saying that
a statement, "Marketing Scoop can confirm that someone kidnapped
her and she and Neal together in Memphis for
Concert tour tonight at the Arena of Bridgestone. "

This is not the first time the media Salahi
agitation. The publicity hungry slipped past famous White
Safety at home and a state dinner in 2009. The exploit
won headlines around the world, and soon after
was an actor in the "Real Housewives" reality TV.

In an interview with television journalist in tears in front of NBC
news conference in Warren County sheriff, broke Salahi
and denied that his wife's disappearance was a publicity stunt.

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