Scott Green/NBC |
The show centers on a Portland homicide detective named Nick (David Giuntoli), who is leading a normal life with his fiancee, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch), and his partner, Hank (Russell Hornsby). Then one day, he starts seeing bizarre things -- like a businesswoman glance at him and flash momentarily into a zombie, a perp flash into some kind of serpent and a guy out getting his mail flash into a werewolf.
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It turns out that the monsters from the Grimm fairy tales really do exist, and Nick, who turns out to be a descendant of the Grimm family line, inherits the ability to find and fight off the creatures.
So what did viewers think of the pilot episode, which got off to a good start in the ratings despite airing opposite Game 7 of the World Series? Many of them hit Twitter to share their opinions, where they also compared it to another new fairy-tale-themed drama, ABC's Once Upon a Time.
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