24 October 2011

Once Upon a Time: Save It or Sink It?

Yes, probably the most ambitious new shows from the fall season finally opened tonight and tried to cast a spell on audiences. From a couple of the masterminds behind Lost (Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz), Once puts a twist around the classic favorite anecdotes you was raised with.

Now you want to know what you think: Had you been charmed by Not so long ago?

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House's Jennifer Morrison stars as orphan Emma Swan, who's visited by Henry (Jared Gilmore), the charming boy she threw in the towel for adoption 10 years ago, on her behalf 28th birthday. He informs her she's really the daughter of Snow Whitened (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) and it is the only real hope of saving an urban area (Storybrooke) filled with fairy-tale character who can't remember who they really are.

It's really no secret that people love Once and it is perfect mixture of whimsy and mythology, a genuine story book arrived at existence: we find the show among our five favorite new shows from the fall. Also, the goodlooking sheriff (performed by Jaime Dornan) is an additional benefit.

But enough from us: what have you think about Not so long ago? Election within our latest Save It or Sink It poll after which mind on to your comments ought to to go over together with your fellow TV enthusiasts.

The finish.

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